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ECSTATIC DANCE JOURNEY in The Bohemian Paradise

2. 7. 2022 @ 17:30 - 21:00

400CZK – 450CZK
Drazí přátelé,
V sobotu 2. července pořádám venkovní ´Ecstatic dance Jorney´ v Českém ráji.
Přijeďte v 17:30, začneme v 18h a skončíme v 21h. Jste vítáni předtím i poté zůstat na drink a užít si dobrou společnost.
K rezervaci: Prosím pošlete vstupné 400Kč na účet Guy Barrington ve Fio bance 2801793353/2010 s Variabilním symbolem 020722 a do poznámky napište své jméno. Vstupné na místě bude za 450Kč.
Pro více info mě kontaktujte zde na Facebooku (Guy Barrington) nebo na emailu: djcolibri1@gmail.com
Abychom se lépe propojili, zahřáli se a prohloubili svůj dech budu vás na začátku provázet. Poté už budete moct volně prozkoumávat prostor.
Ke konci této Cesty budete pozváni k tomu, abyste si lehli na zem, odpočinuli si, odevzdali se, roztáli a integrovat Sílu a krásu kterou jste načeprali.
Vše uzavřeme sdílením v kruhu a pokud budete chtít, jste zváni zůstat a užít si společný čas, občerstvení.
Nebudeme se učit žádné kroky, ale budete mít hodně prostoru být sami sebou.
Zde si můžete poslechnout některé moje sety: https://www.mixcloud.com/guybarrington/
Přidejte se prosím také do FB skupiny CONSCIOUS DANCE EVENTS in Bohemian Paradise with Guy Barrington:
Budu se na vás těšit v sobotu 2. července
Guy/Dj Colibri
Hi Dancing Friends
On Sat 2nd July, I am offering an outdoor ECSTATIC DANCE JOURNEY in The Bohemian Paradise.
Arrive from 17:30, we begin at 18:00 until 21:00. You’re welcome to enjoy the cafe and good company before or afterwards.
FOR RESERVATION; please send the entrance fee of CZK 400 to Guy Barrington on Fio 2801793353/2010 with variable symbol 020722. Also write your NAME in the reference.
Admission will be 450 CZK on the spot.
If you would like more information and need to contact me, write to Facebook messenger, Guy Barrington, or email djcolibri1@gmail.com
I’d appreciate it if you SHARE THE WORD that this event is happening and invite you to invite your Friends with this link, THANK YOU
Ecstatic Dance offers the possibility of Liberation of movement, expansion of Heart, Deepening into Presence and an all round Renewal and Refreshing of our Beings and Bodies…
The Ecstatic State is one where we transcend the ordinary story bound personality perception of ourselves and re-enter the Great Mystery of our Heart Presence.
This state occurs naturally in deep sleep and also in Meditation. Now we experience this through Dance.
As we Dance as our Heartfulness, we reorganise and re-harmonises every level of our Being.
There is a little guydance at the beginning to warm us up, connect us, expand our breathing and energetic possibilities… and then you are Free to explore the dancefloor and each other as The Dance Journey begins.
Towards the end of the Journey, you will be invited to lie down, to rest and relax, surrender, melt and integrate the Power and Beauty of your Dance.
We then close with a small Heart Sharing Circle and you are invited to stay afterwards to share some tea and social time together if you like.
There are no steps to learn, very little to do, and lots of space to Be yourSelf and discover more of the Awesome Being you already are, and are becoming in the company of a wonderful Group of like Hearted Dancers…
For me, Music is Medicine and Dance inspires the possibility of Freedom of Expression, Conscious Creation, Deepening in Relating, and Opening into Presence, among many other things…
I’ve been working Internationally with Conscious Dance events for over 27 years and Love to see/feel the Transformational Power of Dance combined with well-combined music in the company of Conscious Community. I have a background with Shamanism, Tantra, Conscious Creativity, Meditation and Conscious Creativity which I weave into the Ecstatic Dance Journeys
You can listen to some of my Dj sets here;
Please join this Group; CONSCIOUS DANCE EVENTS in Bohemian Paradise with Guy Barrington
I very much look forwards to Be with you on Saturday 2nd July,
with Joy & Hummingbirds from Guy / Dj Colibri


2. 7. 2022
17:30 - 21:00
400CZK – 450CZK


Centrum Kairos Marcel
734 386 523
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734 386 523
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